Tria Age Defying Laser Treatment Update

I received a Tria Age Defying Laser Kit for purposes of evaluation. Thoughts are my own.

Tria Age Defying Laser

Hey everyone! Back in June, I told you about the Tria Age Defying Laser — this new skin treatment that I started doing at home that would hopefully help my skin look more radiant. You can go and check out my first impressions again just in case you’ve forgotten (I’d also like to congratulate Julie who won that fab giveaway).

Now I’m here again to give you an update on my treatment so far.

Tria 2

As mentioned in my first post, I received the Deluxe Kit which includes the Age Defying Laser, plus a Priming Cleanser, a Finishing Serum and a Super C Brightening Moisturizer. The 3 additional products in the deluxe kit helps the Tria Age Defying Laser in restoring that youthful glow in your skin.

The routine for using the Tria Age Defying Laser goes like this: I wash my face using the Priming Cleanser, pat my face dry, turn on the Tria Age Defying Laser and gently glide the laser all throughout my face, dab some Finishing Serum, wait a couple of minutes, then apply the Super C Brightening Moisturizer.

Here’s a photo of my skin during my first week of treatment:

Tria Week 1

Week 1

As you can see, my skin during the first week really had nothing special. My face was plain looking, with some spots here and there.

I continued to use the Age Defying Laser regularly up until I suddenly had a breakout of pimples. While I don’t think it was necessarily caused by the Tria Age Defying Laser, I still stopped using it for a couple of days. I still usually get pimples whenever I’m about to have my period (yes, at my age, I still get pimples during that time of the month! ugh!) so it was most probably just that. I just resumed my treatment as soon as I felt comfortable about it again.

Now here’s a photo of my skin on Week 5.

Tria Week 5

Week 5

Not too sure if you can see it but it seems like my skin looks better on this Week 5 photo. I also already felt better about my skin during that time.

I don’t really do the treatment every night. I usually only do it every other night, and definitely skip it if I know I’m going to be spending a lot of time under the sun the following day.

My mom has always warned me about using skin products and being exposed to too much direct sunlight for long periods of time, because that was how she got some discoloration on her face. So I’ve always steered clear of skin products (except for sunblock) if I know I’ll be out the whole day.

Here’s a photo of my skin on my 8th week of treatment.

Tria Week 8

Week 8

My skin still isn’t perfect but I can definitely see the difference from when I first started using the Age Defying Laser. I still get those monthly pimples so I doubt my skin will ever be 100% clear but at least I know that my skin is recovering its youthful glow as I continue to use this product.

Overall, I’m very satisfied with the effects of the Tria Age Defying Laser on my skin. Even though I don’t have really heavy wrinkles that need tons of treatments, I know that it’s never too early to use age defying products because, well, my skin isn’t getting any younger.

BUY IT! The Tria Age Defying Laser is available for purchase at for $495. The Deluxe Kit retails for $565. You can also get it from



Tria Age Defying Laser Treatment Update — 32 Comments

  1. This sounds so nice. I can really see a difference. I do have some wrinkles so maybe it would help with them. Thank you so much for sharing this great product

  2. Yes, I can see the difference as well, there is a definite improvement in your skin, congrats! I’d love to give that a try myself.

  3. Thanks so much for the Fantastic Review on Tria Age Defying Laser Treatment Update! I can see a difference in your skin after 8 weeks of the treatments! It seems to work well! I definitely can’t afford to purchase one of these, however, I like the affects that you have gotten with it! Thanks so much for sharing your update, all the pictures, and your personal and professional opinions on Tria Age Defying Laser Treatment Update with all of us! You know that I always appreciate all of your reviews!!!!! Thanks again! Michele 🙂
    Michele Ash recently posted..Nextbook 10 Windows Tablet GiveawayMy Profile

  4. I don’t think you need to use it. You have no wrinkles and though you don’t think you have good complexion. I was curious if the Tria Age Defying Laser Treatment did work and your skin does look more radiant. I myself would love to try Tria Hair Laser remover.

  5. It does take time to reverse aging and skin issues. Looks like you are making progress. Love that unit. In time I hope they get a bit more inexpensive, would love to try one one for a while.

  6. Nice to hear it actually works. I could really use one. Wonder if the have a full body lazer lol

  7. I would love to own one of these as I think it would really help my skin. Thanks for providing your update.

  8. I think that you are far to young to be worried about age…but this does look like a great product. If nothing else, if you feel more confident in your skin it is a WIN.

  9. I can see a difference. Your skin looks radiant. Thanks for the pictures. Never heard of this product but will go check it out because I could definitely use something like this.
    Carol L

  10. Wow this product looks like it worked very well on you! It does seem to be pretty expensive, but if it works this well on everyone it’s definitely worth it!

  11. I have seen these on QVC & I am thinking about getting it. Thanks for the review & pics. 🙂

  12. I am so happy to see an update from you. I hope you continue to do them for a while. They’re so helpful. I definitely see a glow and evenness in your skin this week. Plus, I think if you see/ feel a difference that’s a big deal. You haven’t been using it that long.

  13. I won some kind of facial thing. Not a laser, it has different tips and I guess, it’s supposed to make your skin look smoother. Basically, the same concept. I used it a few times.

  14. You don’t have any wrinkles. You’re way too young. I’m not consistent with anything.I always start out excited to try a new product. After the first few days, it ends up in my gadget graveyard.

  15. I came across this article again and wondered if this was still doing what you thought it would do. I am considering this product for my skin but want to hear more about it first. Thank you so much for sharing this product.