Shoe Spa Giveaway

Shoe Spa Giveaway

The Shoe Spa is the answer to every woman’s most challenging wardrobe dilemma: do I wear shoes that are ugly, but comfortable? Or do I wear something stylish that I will have to take off in 5 minutes? The Shoe Spa offers women fashionable, designer shoes that won’t hurt your feet after a day at work, an afternoon of shopping, or a night of dancing!

The Shoe Spa focuses on hot shoe styles and designs that you can show off no matter the occasion – we are not in the closet decorating business. Meet us at the intersection of fashion and comfort to pick out your ballet flats, wedges, and heels from a large selection of designers that will have you walking on a cloud and telling all your friends where you got your stylish new shoes!

One winner will receive her choice of any one pair of shoes from The Shoe Spa up to $250 value!

Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 1/30 and is open to the US only. Winner will be notified via email.

Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Shoe Spa Giveaway — 6 Comments

  1. There are so many ideas that one can think of when doing a giveaway. I can can say its been hard to save my money up for new shoes. From that of dress-up to sneakers, the need for them is more then words are able to express, Being I was injured in accident my possibility of getting a new pair is less then most other persons!

    This will be shared with others, too!

    [email protected]

    • So Sorry to hear about your accident, however, my husband and I are both disabled now due to an auto accident by a hit and run drunk driver! Plus my husband was working part-time to help with the groceries! He got sick this past summer and was in and out of the hospital then finally had major surgery where they removed a tumor, his appendix and part of his colon! He was out of work for months and months. He went back to work for, if we were lucky, 2 months and now is out of work again due to a pinched nerve in his back which is causing him severe pain and he’s scheduled for another surgery on 2/4/15. We never got caught up on the bills yet and I can’t even visit the grocery store unless it’s to get the BARE NECESSITIES! I even have to go to the local pantry to help us out with food! You can’t afford shoes? I can’t afford groceries, necessities (shampoo, deodorant, etc) or shoes or clothes or anything! Guess God has other plans for us! Michele 🙂
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