The Back To School Shopping Experience (Infographic)

Although this is sponsored content, thoughts are 100% my own.

Find&Save is a great site you can check to browse local sales so you can save on items you need. On Find&Save, you can easily flip through all the latest sales in your area and keep track of what you need and want before you even get to the store.

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Here are pieces of really nice information about our back-to-school shopping experience! You may also check out the Find&Save blog for more back-to-school posts!


These are the results of a survey of shoppers — 500 moms of one or more school-aged children from kindergarten to college students — and their strategies to nab the best Back-to-School deals and the latest school gear. It’s always nice to know how majority of people do their shopping and gauge where we are in the statistics. 🙂

Although this is sponsored content, thoughts are 100% my own.


The Back To School Shopping Experience (Infographic) — 11 Comments

  1. Very cool, my son has graduated so we’ll just be shopping for my 14 yr old daughter (no-we haven’t started yet) ugh… I’m surprised only 2% is online, even though it’s ‘online only’ I still would have expected it to be higher. The 53% that will use a mobile phone to shop for sales makes me feel old lol, even though I use my phone for a lot of savings, still-it shows how everything is eventually going to paperless.

  2. I’m so glad that I’m done with all of that. It sure can be stressful and expensive.

  3. I’m glad I’m not the only one that waited until August. I still am surprised it’s only 50% though because our supply lists just came out this week.

  4. Find&Save can help someone browse the local sales saving you both time and money on the items you need. You can keep track of what store has what item so you can streamline your shopping and be well organized. You don’t forget, which store had which item on sale for the least expensive amount.

  5. I will be shopping this week and for clothes, sneakers, backpacks and things like that the kids will be with me 🙂

  6. I could never have children, so I have never had to deal with this, but I’ll pass it along!

  7. I think what really surprises me is the 53% using a smartphone. I guess as someone who only has a “dumbphone” I just haven’t caught on yet!

  8. I had never heard of this site — thanks for sharing another way to save $$$ either online or in-store.